Recruitment in the legal field in South Africa is a highly competitive process, due to the high demand for legal services and the growing number of qualified candidates. Students and graduates seeking opportunities in this field must articulate their skills, experience, and passion effectively to stand out. In the context of South Africa, it’s essential for aspirants to understand the diverse needs of society and showcase their ability to address these needs through their legal expertise. The following are three exemplary cover letters written by recent law graduates from the University of Johannesburg. Each letter demonstrates a unique approach to presenting their qualifications, experiences during university, and professional ambitions.

Three Cover Letter Examples for Law Students with No Experience

Cover Letter Example 1:

Subject: Application for Law Internship

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I am writing to express my interest in the law internship advertised on your company website. As a recent graduate of the University of Johannesburg with an LLB degree and a deep passion for law, I am confident that I would make a valuable addition to your team despite my lack of professional experience.

Hailing from Limpopo, I carry with me the resilience, strong community values, and a perspective that embraces both rural and urban facets of our South African society. These attributes have not only defined me but have also shaped my approach to law – one that takes into consideration the multi-faceted nature of the legal environment in South Africa.

During my time at UJ, I was an active member of the Debate Club, honing my argumentative skills and ability to think critically under pressure. I also volunteered at the University Law Clinic, which allowed me to apply the theoretical knowledge learned in classes to real-life scenarios, helping those who cannot afford legal representation.

My main ambition is to advocate for justice and to make legal services accessible to all sectors of society. I see your organization as an excellent place to advance this goal and gain the practical experience needed to excel in the legal field.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of contributing to your team and gaining invaluable experience from the experts at your esteemed organization.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

Cover Letter Example 2:

Subject: Law Graduate Seeking Internship Opportunity

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I am writing to express my interest in the advertised law internship position at your esteemed firm. As a recent LLB graduate from the University of Johannesburg and an aspiring legal professional, I believe I can bring a unique perspective, a strong theoretical foundation, and a willingness to learn to your team.

Born and raised in Limpopo, my roots have instilled in me a profound sense of justice, community, and the ability to approach complex issues from a unique perspective. I strongly believe that this understanding of the grassroots issues can be an asset in handling legal cases pertaining to the marginalized communities in our society.

While studying at UJ, I led a community outreach program that aimed to educate ordinary citizens about their basic legal rights. This experience honed my ability to convey complex legal concepts in simple terms and developed my passion for public interest law.

My ambition is to leverage the power of law to create meaningful social change. By joining your firm, I hope to gain practical experience that will further equip me to serve society effectively.

Thank you for considering my application. I am excited at the prospect of learning from your expert team and am confident that I can make a valuable contribution to your organization.

Yours sincerely, [Your Name]

Cover Letter Example 3:

Subject: Enthusiastic Law Graduate for Internship Role

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I hope this letter finds you well. I am reaching out to express my interest in the advertised law internship position at your reputable firm. As a fresh LLB graduate from the University of Johannesburg and an individual passionate about the law, I am keen to apply my academic knowledge to real-world situations.

Coming from Limpopo, I have always valued community, diversity, and the resilience needed to overcome challenges. These values, coupled with my academic training, provide a unique blend of perspectives and problem-solving approaches that I believe would enrich your team.

During my time at UJ, I participated in the Moot Court Competition, where I developed my research and presentation skills, while also gaining an understanding of various facets of South African and international law. I also undertook an independent study on the impact of environmental law on rural communities, demonstrating my ability to work independently and deliver insightful analysis.

My aspiration is to promote justice and equality through my work in law, particularly for the underprivileged and marginalized. I am confident that an internship at your prestigious firm will equip me with the practical skills and experience I need to turn this ambition into reality.

Thank you for your consideration. I eagerly await the opportunity to further discuss my candidacy and potential contributions to your firm.

Best regards, [Your Name]


The three cover letters illustrate how to effectively present one’s skills, academic experiences, and aspirations in the South African legal context. In each, the writers emphasize their understanding of the unique challenges and opportunities within the country’s legal landscape, showcasing both their adaptability and their dedication to serving the community. Each letter also highlights the candidates’ personal attributes, including resilience, community values, and a passion for social justice. This unique blend of personal characteristics and professional aspirations aligns well with the requirements of today’s legal field. In essence, each letter encapsulates the blend of academic prowess, practical experience, and a deep sense of societal responsibility that recruiters in South Africa’s legal space are seeking. As the legal profession continues to evolve, these attributes are becoming increasingly important in ensuring the provision of effective legal services across the diverse South African society.

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